Frequently Asked Questions

How much does a 50-min therapy session cost?

 ***Please be aware that we don’t accept medical insurance.

The cost of each therapy session can vary depending on different factors: 

Fees could be better discussed at the consultation, since we have a price range and a minimum fee based on the state/territory the client resides. The fees may also vary based on the provider. These are the general price ranges based on the clients location.

PR $100-$150 

Florida $150-$250 

NY $250-$350

How long is each session?

50 mins

What is the frequency of the sessions?

For better treatment outcomes it is recommended 1 x week sessions. However, this may varied based on client’s clinical need.

Can I be seen if I live in a state where the doctor is not licensed in ?

No. Our doctors can only see clients who live in New York, Florida and Puerto Rico, as those are the states our doctors are licensed in. However, we also have colleagues in New Jersey, Pensilvania, Texas and California who can see those referrals.

Is it safe? / Is my privacy protected?

Absolutely, Laws and guidelines protecting a patient’s confidentiality in-person session apply to telehealth as well. Feelthentic utilizes video conference technologies and email with enhanced HIPAA-compliant features in order to protect each client’s privacy. 

How does Feelthentic choose their therapists?

Our therapists are authentic, compassionate, warm and genuine people who can easily connect with others around them.